New Artbeat has a passion for art and believes that great art brings people together, transforms lives and make people grow.
We connect Artists with Art Lovers all over the world by opening a universe of art communication.
Sales and exhibition are not only reserved for the already large and established artists and galleries but also for the emerging artist all over the world. We give them as much exposure as possible and do not charge commission, artists and galleries keep 100% of the sales price.
Welcome to New Artbeat the best place to exhibit art, buy and connect artists with Art Lovers. Enjoy our unique website and universe, we are happy to meet you.

Discover and buy original art directly from artists and galleries.
New Artbeat connects you with independent artists and galleries all over the world. You have the chance to purchase pieces that you love, whether it is by an emerging artist or a more established artist or even a rising star.
We invite you to communicate and deal directly with the artist or gallery to obtain information about their artworks and to join communities around their art.
NICE TO GO ... an effective and smart art guide
NICE TO GO guides you in direction of new exhibitions, events, workshops
and studio visits. Artists invite you into their studios to show you their new
masterpieces while they’re still in progress.

Artists and Galleries
Connect to
Art Lovers, Collectors
and Buyers
We are happy to introduce you to art lovers, collectors and buyers along with future client opportunities with partnered art exhibitions, art shows, and more. New Artbeat helps you to control a solid and reliable promotion and exhibition, connecting you to art lovers and buyers and to keep your audience in the loop.
Get your personal
Create a personal showroom, and be a part of our online New Artbeat platform and social media accounts. A great opportunity to communicate who you are as an artist, share your art works and announce your upcoming exhibition dates, career news and events.
Expand your online reach
globally and accelerate your
career growth
We are a smooth-functioning art platform with an impressive online marketing presence and great customer engagement.
New Artbeat creates connection and build community around your art.
Let us free up valuable
time for you to do the things
you love – making art
New Artbeat serves as your personal website and online universe where you can easily and confidently market yourself and sell your artworks. So effective and easy to use that you can now spend less time managing logistics and more time making art.